How to deal with Internet trolls?

Nowadays, the Internet has become an important part of the social public sphere, which provides great convenience for people to exchange information, share feelings and discuss public affairs.

At the same time, there are also people on the Internet who use language to attack others violently, accuse others indiscriminately and disturb the topic. Most of these people appear in comments on various social media, such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and news website. These linguistic trolls on the web have a special name: Internet Trolls,

The internet trolls usually express opinions without any basis in fact, and their personal quality is low. They frame and attack others by fabricating lies, distorting reality and deliberately exaggerating.

They like to use their shallow knowledge as their own point of view and satirize others with illogical language to achieve their own inner fulfillment.

Every time when we meet them, we become so upset that we even want to hit them. However, the network is virtual,

So what kind of way should we adopt to treat them?

(1) Ignore them:

Let’s ignore the person who only talks dirty and let him amuse himself. If we reply to him, maybe he will become more aggressive. Even if we are more reasonable, the other those of person will be more aggressive and always think he is right.

So sometimes we try not to argue, just ignore it.

(2)Communicate and respond to them with facts:

Not all trolls are unreasonable, we can treat them according to the situation. If the person is just complaining something, we can communicate with him properly to eliminate the misunderstanding or dissatisfaction. When Internet trolls make statements about something that have no basis in fact and distort the truth. We can convince the other side by giving examples and making logical arguments based on facts.

(3)Use humor

Using humor is one of the best ways to deal with trolls.

For example, Sainsbury s, a grocery chain in the United Kingdom, used a humorous way to reply to a commentator who was not satisfied with the chicken. The humorous and witty reply also received a lot of comments and praise.

(4) Block Them

The social media now all has features such as blocking .When we encounter internet trolls, we can directly choose to delete their comments, block them, and report their accounts.

For example, according to Facebook’s rules, when a user is reported by others for a certain number of times, he or she will be totally blocked directly from the platform.

Have you ever met the internet troll before? How did you handle it? Free to share your experiences below!


Hi. im hana from LF03 marketing class

How to deal with Internet trolls?》有6个想法

  1. In fact, ignoring them is the best way. They just do this online because they are bored. As long as you ignore him, they will stop their behavior if they feel meaningless.

  2. The best way to encounter network trolls is to use the platform’s blocking functions. We don’t need to convert with them, just use the blocking functions.


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