How to create a Successful IMC?

Marketing is indispensable to all enterprises and products. Today’s highly competitive market, rich media and communication channels for the promotion staff brought layers of tests.

The overall environment requires enterprises to integrate brand management, sales promotion, network marketing, social marketing and other forms of marketing communication together to convey a clear corporate brand image, expand industry popularity, and improve the number of users and sales rate.

So how do we do integrated marketing communications?


Today I’d like to share with you some tips for how to create a successful integrated marketing communication:

1. Create a consumer database


The standpoint of integrated marketing communication is consumers and potential consumers, and the sales and profits of products ultimately depend on consumers’ buying behavior. The consumer database contains a general portrait of the consumer, consumer psychology, consumer attitudes and past purchasing records. It is very helpful for enterprises to make marketing strategies more suitable for consumers.

2. Research consumers


With a database of consumers, we need to study consumers and prepare for marketing based on their data behavior. In integrated marketing communication, consumers can be divided into three categories:

(1.)Loyal consumers of the brand;

(2.)Loyal consumers of other brands;

(3.)The floating consumer.

They represent different “brand networks”. In order to obtain the brand network of consumers, enterprises must rely on consumer behavior information, and then understand consumers from multiple dimensions, get more detailed consumer portraits, and understand deeper consumer demands.

3. Develop communication strategies


To develop communication strategies is to set clear marketing objectives for integrated marketing communication plans. Many enterprises may intuitively say that marketing objectives are sales volume and so on.

However, for brands that are good at competition, marketing objectives should include the following aspects:

(1) Stimulate potential consumers to try the brand products;

(2) Consumers after trial products, actively encourage consumers to continue to use, increase the purchase;

(3) Promote the brand consumers to use more, increase the purchase, and stimulate its brand communicator;

(4) To encourage other brand loyal users to convert to our brand consumers, and cultivate loyalty.

4. Innovation of marketing tools


Once the marketing goal is determined, it is necessary to use marketing tools to achieve the goal. However, we regard products and prices as the elements of communication with consumers, so IMC needs to have more diverse and broader marketing tools to cooperate with the planning. The key lies in which tools can best help enterprises achieve the goal of integrated marketing communication.

With the emergence of social media and the development of technology, today’s consumers are gradually moving away from traditional marketing methods and are more likely to accept and participate in new marketing methods. So marketing tools also need to change with The Times.


So, what do you have in mind? Do you have any other ideas and tips for building a successful IMC? Leave a comment below.


Hi. im hana from LF03 marketing class

How to create a Successful IMC?》有6个想法

  1. The most important thing for IMC is to improve the brand image if done well. But it can also produce some very bad results. A simple tag can do a lot of damage in a few hours.

  2. Thank you for sharing. I think one of the most important aspects of IMC is the need to connect the product or service to the target audience when implementing the plan, as well as the need to distinguish the business from the competitors. This will ensure greater visibility and customer loyalty.

  3. The core marketing message in developing IMC should be consistent across all channels, targeted at relevant markets, and stand out from the crowd.


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