SEO VS PPC: How to choose

Both SEO and PPC are part of search engine marketing (SEM), which is one of the tools that can be used as part of an overall web marketing campaign.
So how should enterprises choose these two marketing methods?

PPC (Pay-Per-Click)

PPC is pay-per-click advertising, where advertisers pay a relative fee when a potential target user clicks.

Paid ads can be placed in different locations on a web page, including at the top of the page. This means that customers have a close to 100% chance of seeing the AD.

When an enterprise just enters the market and does not have many followers, then it chooses PPC advertisement at this time, just like a small trumpet in the market, it continuously broadcasts to potential target users and attracts them to its web page.

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)

SEO is the technology and process of obtaining website traffic from natural search results, internal and external adjustment and optimization of the website, improve the website in the search engine keywords natural ranking, get more traffic, so as to achieve the website sales and brand building goals.

The SEO industry will be worth more than $300 billion by 2018.

On the first page alone, the top five natural search results account for 67.60% of all clicks

Natural search is where users will usually find you. You can and should invest in paid research and social media, but you should keep in mind that natural search is essential.

Although SEO is said to be “free”, it is more like a “long-term investment”. Effective SEO takes a lot of effort to build and maintain.

Which is better for the business?

Theoretically speaking, the price of PPC advertisement is increasing with the intensification of market competition. , SEO often comes from natural ranking, although it takes a long time, but once the ranking is stable, the maintenance cost is relatively low.

Then, for enterprises, new enterprises can use PPC to start the brand, and the medium and long term development can use SEO to get relevant search traffic. If there is no promotion in the ranking for a long time, still need to use PPC to do.

SEO is an ongoing effort, and PPC is more like a quick solution.
Both SEO and PPC should be part of a long-term digital marketing strategy

Conclusion: PPC and SEO are not a choice between two options. In many cases, they can complement each other


Hi. im hana from LF03 marketing class

SEO VS PPC: How to choose》有6个想法

  1. I used to think SEO brought more value than PPC. But now, I think there are pros and cons to both strategies, and I never thought they could complement each other so perfectly!

  2. Thanks to Hana for sharing, I learned the advantages and disadvantages of SEO and PPC. I think the two work much better together than either one alone.

  3. After reading your article, I’m glad to know that two very different search strategies can complement each other and produce better results for the company!


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