Is mobile payment just a payment tool?

Mobile marketing refers to delivering marketing information to consumers through mobile devices. For consumers, a smartphone or tablet ACTS as a convenient shopping partner, with access to the latest product information, price comparisons, opinions and reviews from other consumers, and convenient e-coupons. Mobile devices provide an effective platform for marketers to engage consumers deeply and quickly with tools such as mobile advertising, coupons, SMS, mobile apps and mobile websites.

What is Mobile Marketing? - Course Inbox

With the rapid development of digitization, the user scale of mobile payment is increasing year by year. Mobile payment effectively combines the Internet, terminal equipment and financial institutions to form a new payment system. It has become the most popular method of payment, replacing cash, cards or checks.

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At present, the development level of mobile payment in China market leads the world. In 2018, a market-research firm break Machine has released the 2017 global different users of mobile payment platform, in several mainstream mobile payment platform on the number of users. WeChat Pay with 600 million users at the top of the list. In second, with 400 million users of alipay, Paypal came in third place for 210 million users, Apple users Pay for 8700, ranked fourth.

Introduction of Alipay and WeChatpay | by Jinzi Yan | Medium

In fact, mobile payment is not only a payment tool, but also a marketing method of mobile marketing to promote enterprises. Mobile payment is more about providing a marketing platform for enterprises.

“Collecting five blessings”

This is an interactive online game held by Alipay every Year during the Chinese Spring Festival.

The rule of the game is that users can find the word “Fu” anywhere in their lives and have the chance to get “Fu card” by using the mobile phone scan. The final set of the five “Fu card” users can divide 500 million RMB. During the game, each user needs to add 10 Alipay friends and can exchange cards with Alipay friends.


During the Spring Festival every year, the game is played fiercely among people. In addition to searching for the character in their daily lives, people also begin to write it by hand, or place it with lipstick, chicken bones and other things. Every year during the Spring Festival, Alipay’s “Fu collection” campaign becomes one of the most popular topics among people.

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The result:

In 2018, more than 400 million users took part in the campaign, with 251 million users sharing the 500 million RMB bonus. The bonus amount is distributed randomly, with the highest bonus being 666 RMB.

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The Takeaway:

The main marketing purpose of this activity is to establish a good relationship between the platform and users, and attract a large number of users’ attention and participation on various social networking platforms through huge bonuses and novel activities. In addition, it also attracts potential customers of Alipay through this activity, and improves the trust and reliance of the users who are using the platform. Through the publicity and promotion of people and social topics, a marketing event based on the theme of traditional Chinese New Year culture is formed.

So, what are your thoughts? Please feel free to share your comments below!


Hi. im hana from LF03 marketing class

Is mobile payment just a payment tool?》有8个想法

    1. You’re right. It’s not just China. Even Singapore has been using mobile payments in recent years. But I think there are a bit too many mobile payment companies in Singapore, so the growth rate is slow. In a country as large as China, there are only two mobile payment companies, whereas Singapore already has at least five. This will make it more difficult and inconvenient for people to use mobile payment. Personally, I think Singapore can merge some mobile payment companies appropriately, and maybe it will develop better in this way.

  1. Mobile payments is safe, convenient and is always cheaper than bricks and mortar stores. I can receive different voucher or cash back everyday.

    1. Exactly. I think the biggest advantage of mobile payment is that it can be paid in a faster and more convenient way. No matter when and where you have internet, you can pay all kinds of fees with a mobile phone, which greatly saves transaction costs and requires no change. Easy to operate and convenient to use.

  2. Love this article, which not only introduced to me what is mobile marketing, but introduced some interesting Chinese payment apps as well. I like the way how company like Alibaba attract their customers.

    1. Thank you for your enjoying it. Nowadays, The development of mobile payment in China leads the global market, and some classic marketing methods about Alipay and WeChat Pay are also worthy of reference and imitation by companies in other countries. I can’t wait for the global cashless era to arrive.


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